<% 'Global Variables Dim IPType, strTempString, NetworkID Function GetMaskEndPosition(strmask) Dim tmpmask, x strmask = strmask & "." tmpmask = Split(strmask, ".") For x = 0 To UBound(tmpmask) - 1 Select Case tmpmask(x) Case "255" GetMaskEndPosition = x + 1 iMaskEndPosition = x + 1 Case Else Exit For End Select Next End Function Public Sub LoadNetID(strNetID, strmask, ipRange) Dim inet, ibroad, x, ipleft, iptemp, imaskend,count1 count1 = 0 strTempNetworkId = Left(strNetID,Len(strNetID)-3) imaskend = GetMaskEndPosition(strmask) strNetID = Mid(strNetID, 1, InStrRev(strNetID, "/", Len(strNetID)) - 1) strNetID = strNetID & "." iptemp = Split(strNetID, ".") If ipRange = 0 Then ipRange = 256 For x = 0 To imaskend - 1 ipleft = ipleft & iptemp(x) & "." Next strTempString = "" If ipRange <> 256 Then For x = 0 To 255 Step ipRange count = count + 1 iptemp = Split(ipleft & "x", ".") Select Case UBound(iptemp) + 1 Case 1 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & x & ".0.0.0" then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & vbCrLF Case 2 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & x & ".0.0" then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & vbCrLF Case 3 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & x & ".0" then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & vbCrLF Case 4 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & x then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & vbCrLF End Select strTempString = strTempString & "" Next strTempString = strTempString & "
" & ipleft & x & ".0.0.0" & spacelen & "" & ipleft & x + (ipRange - 1) & ".255.255.255" & "
" & ipleft & x & ".0.0" & spacelen & "" & ipleft & x + (ipRange - 1) & ".255.255" & "
" & ipleft & x & ".0" & spacelen & "" & ipleft & x + (ipRange - 1) & ".255" & "
" & ipleft & x & spacelen & "" & ipleft & x + (ipRange - 1) & "
" Else iptemp = Split(ipleft & "x", ".") Select Case UBound(iptemp) + 1 Case 1 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & "" then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & ipleft & "" & spacelen & "" & ipleft & (ipRange - 1) & ".255.255.255" & "" & vbCrLF Case 2 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & "0.0.0" then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & ipleft & "0.0.0" & spacelen & "" & ipleft & (ipRange - 1) & ".255.255" & "" & vbCrLF Case 3 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & "0.0" then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & ipleft & "0.0" & spacelen & "" & ipleft & (ipRange - 1) & ".255" & "" & vbCrLF Case 4 If strTempNetworkID = ipleft & "0" then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else If Count Mod 2 = 0 Then strTempString = strTempString & "" Else strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" & ipleft & "0" & spacelen & "" & ipleft & (ipRange - 1) & "" & vbCrLF End Select strTempString = strTempString & "" strTempString = strTempString & "" End If End Sub Function GetPosHosts(strBinaryMask) Dim tempdata, ix, itemp, ipclass, pos, BitCount strBinaryMask = strBinaryMask & "." tempdata = Split(strBinaryMask, ".") For ix = 0 To UBound(tempdata) - 1 pos = 1 Do While pos <= Len(tempdata(ix)) + 1 If Mid(tempdata(ix), pos, 1) = "0" Then BitCount = BitCount + 1 End If pos = pos + 1 Loop Next 'Takes 2 to the BitCount power that is not used by NetID - 2 (for netid and broadcast) GetPosHosts = ((2 ^ BitCount) - 2) End Function Function GetPosNetworks(strmask) Dim tempdata, ix, itemp, ipclass strmask = strmask & "." tempdata = Split(strmask, ".") For ix = 0 To UBound(tempdata) - 1 Select Case tempdata(ix) Case "128" GetPosNetworks = 2 ^ 1 Case "192" GetPosNetworks = 2 ^ 2 Case "224" GetPosNetworks = 2 ^ 3 Case "240" GetPosNetworks = 2 ^ 4 Case "248" GetPosNetworks = 2 ^ 5 Case "252" GetPosNetworks = 2 ^ 6 Case "254" GetPosNetworks = 2 ^ 7 'Case Else 'GetPosNetworks = 1 End Select Next End Function Function GetBits(strmask) On Error Resume Next Dim tempdata, ix, pos, itemp strmask = strmask & "." tempdata = Split(strmask, ".") For ix = 0 To UBound(tempdata) - 1 Select Case tempdata(ix) Case "255" itemp = itemp + 8 Case "128" itemp = itemp + 1 Case "192" itemp = itemp + 2 Case "224" itemp = itemp + 3 Case "240" itemp = itemp + 4 Case "248" itemp = itemp + 5 Case "252" itemp = itemp + 6 Case "254" itemp = itemp + 7 End Select Next GetBits = itemp End Function Function GetRange(strmask) 'uses the couchie method Dim tempdata, ix, itemp, ipclass strmask = strmask & "." tempdata = Split(strmask, ".") For ix = 0 To UBound(tempdata) - 1 Select Case tempdata(ix) Case "128" iRange = 256 - CInt(tempdata(ix)) Exit For Case "192" iRange = 256 - CInt(tempdata(ix)) Exit For Case "224" iRange = 256 - CInt(tempdata(ix)) Exit For Case "240" iRange = 256 - CInt(tempdata(ix)) Exit For Case "248" iRange = 256 - CInt(tempdata(ix)) Exit For Case "252" iRange = 256 - CInt(tempdata(ix)) Exit For Case "254" iRange = 256 - CInt(tempdata(ix)) Exit For Case Else iRange = 256 End Select Next GetRange = iRange End Function Function GetIPClass(strip) On Error Resume Next Dim tempip, x strip = strip & "." tempip = Split(strip, ".") If tempip(0) => 0 And tempip(0) <= 127 Then GetIPClass = "A" If tempip(0) = 10 Then IPType = "Reserved" Exit Function ElseIf tempip(0) = 127 Then IPType = "Loopback" GetIPClass = "Loopback" Exit Function End If IPType = "Public" End If If tempip(0) => 128 And tempip(0) <= 191 Then GetIPClass = "B" If tempip(0) = 172 Then If tempip(1) => 16 And tempip(1) <= 31 Then IPType = "Reserved" End If Exit Function End If IPType = "Public" End If If tempip(0) => 192 And tempip(0) <= 223 Then GetIPClass = "C" If tempip(0) = 192 And tempip(1) = 168 Then IPType = "Reserved" Exit Function End If IPType = "Public" End If If tempip(0) => 224 And tempip(0) <= 239 Then GetIPClass = "D" IPType = "Multicast(RFC 1112)" End If If tempip(0) => 240 And tempip(0) <= 255 Then GetIPClass = "E" IPType = "Experemential" End If End Function Function ConvertBinToIP(strBin) On Error Resume Next Dim pos, binarray, tempnetid, ix, x, y, z strBin = strBin & "." binarray = Split(strBin, ".") For ix = 0 To UBound(binarray) - 1 x = 0 For y = 7 To 0 Step -1 If Mid(StrReverse(binarray(ix)), y + 1, 1) = "1" Then x = x + BA(y) Else x = x End If Next z = z & CStr(x) & "." Next ConvertBinToIP = Left(z, Len(z) - 1) End Function Function GetBinNetID(strip, StrSubnetMask) On Error Resume Next Dim pos, tempnetid, x, y, z pos = 1 Do While pos <> Len(strip) + 1 If Mid(strip, pos, 1) <> "." Then x = Mid(strip, pos, 1) y = Mid(StrSubnetMask, pos, 1) z = (CInt(x) * CInt(y)) tempnetid = tempnetid & z Else tempnetid = tempnetid & "." End If pos = pos + 1 Loop GetBinNetID = tempnetid End Function Function ConvertBin(iValue) On Error Resume Next Dim C 'As Integer Dim TempValue 'As Integer Dim tempdata 'As String If iValue = Null Then ConvertBin = "00000000": Exit Function TempValue = 0 For C = 7 To 0 Step -1 If TempValue + BA(C) <= iValue Then tempdata = tempdata & "1" TempValue = TempValue + BA(C) Else tempdata = tempdata & "0" End If Next ConvertBin = tempdata End Function 'Setup Defaults Dim BA(7), C BA(0) = 1 For C = 1 To UBound(BA) BA(C) = 2 ^ C Next '*****Begin Handling what has been passed****** 'Declare Variables Dim aryIPAddress, aryNetMask, IPAddress, NetMask, BinIPAddress, BinNetMask, BinNetworkID Dim IPAddressClass, AddressType, GoodIPforHost, NumSubnets, Range, Hosts 'Get Base Information from Form1 IPAddress = Request.Querystring("IP") NetMask = Request.QueryString("Mask") aryIPAddress = Split(IPAddress,".") aryNetMask = Split(NetMask,".") 'Convert IP and Mask to Binary For x = 0 To 3 BinIPAddress = BinIPAddress & "." & ConvertBin(CInt(aryIPAddress(x))) BinNetMask = BinNetMask & "." & ConvertBin(CInt(aryNetMask(x))) Next BinIPAddress = Mid(BinIPAddress,2) BinNetMask = Mid(BinNetMask,2) 'Get Network Number(Bin) BinNetworkID = GetBinNetID(BinIPAddress, BinNetMask) 'Get Network Number NetworkID = ConvertBinToIP(BinNetworkID) 'Get Network Type and Class IPAddressClass = GetIPClass(NetworkID) AddressType = IPType 'Get the range Range = GetRange(NetMask) If Range = 256 Then Range = 1 'GetShortHand Mask notation NetworkID = Left(NetworkID,Len(NetworkID)-1) & "/" & GetBits(NetMask) 'Get Number of subnets NumSubnets = GetPosNetworks(NetMask) 'Get the number of available hosts per subnet Hosts = GetPosHosts(BinNetMask) If Range = 1 then temp = 256 else temp = Range LoadNetID NetworkID, Left(NetMask,Len(NetMask)-3), temp %> New Page 3
IP Address Calculator

IP Information     <%=strTempString%>
IP Address <%=IPAddress%> 
Subnet Mask <%=NetMask%>
Network ID <%=Left(NetworkID,Len(NetworkID)-1) & "/" & GetBits(NetMask) %> 
Binary Information
IP Address <%=BinIPAddress%> 
   Subnet Mask <%=Left(BinNetMask,Len(BinNetMask)-1)%> 
Network <%=Left(BinNetworkID,Len(BinNetworkID)-1)%> 
Network Information
IP Address Class <%=IPAddressClass%> 
Address Type <%=AddressType%> 
Subnet Information
Number of Subnets <%If NumSubnets = "" Then Response.Write "0" Else Response.Write NumSubnets%> 
Number of Hosts <%=Hosts%> 
Range <%=Range%>   
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